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Analyze - Equal works

Equal works, equal pay audit, analysis

Written by Tobias Danielsson
Updated over a week ago

In this guide, we describe how you find and use the analysis view for equal work. In 2021, we have updated the system with new functions and improvements. Read this article or check out the movie!

Scroll down a bit in this article for a more theoretical description of analysis equal work.

The new interface enables simplified analyzes!

At first glance, this view may feel a little strange, but we are sure that you will very quickly appreciate the new possibilities built into the system just to facilitate analyzes.


In the list on the left, you will find all the work ready for analysis. During the work, the various subheadings can help you to work systematically and easily. Each time you have clearly analyzed and tagged a work, you can choose to mark it clearly.

This means that the work comes out in reports and it becomes clearer when you work through the system.


To get an overview of the employment within the work


As you can see, there is only one field for charts and some key figures do not seem to be presented at all. However, you can be completely calm because everything is still there and more.

The image below shows an example of a diagram from analysis equal work. At the top right you see three different symbols. Click on them to choose between plotter charts, line charts or to look at the key figures for the current group.

Below the diagram, you will also see several choices, once you have enlarged the diagram. You have the opportunity to group your employees in different ways (no longer just gender), but you also have the opportunity to change what you want the x-axis to refer to. Age is specified by default, but also employment time, time in the current role or number are available as optional options.

Directly above the Y-axis you see Regression where you have the opportunity to highlight regression analysis as an additional tool in your analysis work.

Filter - Analysis

In the menu on the right in the picture, you have the opportunity to use additional filters. Maybe you just want to look at employees at specific units or in a certain salary range?

At the bottom of the picture below you also see Salary / Salary incl. supplement - a function that allows you to choose to see your employees' salaries both inclusive and exclusive of salary supplements.

For description of tags

General about analysis, equal works

Here, your task is to analyze salary differences between employees within the same work. What the law says is that you must analyze wage differences between women and men, but you can of course also analyze differences in groups that consist of a legal gender. If you do not intend to analyze wage differences within so-called "unisexual" groups, it is possible to write in the analysis box "The group consists only of a legal gender, which is why no analysis is performed".

We do not recommend our customers to exclude small groups or groups with small wage differences between the sexes from the analysis because, for example, a former manager (woman) with a biblical salary from a previous position can compensate for another woman who is very low in terms of pay. This example applies, of course, even if these were men. In analysis of equal job, we must therefore explain the wage difference regardless of whether it applies to women or men. The plotter diagrams give you good support in which individuals you need to take a closer look at. Hold the mouse pointer over the "plop" you want to know more about and you will get the employee's information.

In the analysis, we recommend that your analysis texts be formulated on a relatively general level, i.e. that you do not write for example "Highest paid woman is explained by ..". To start the analysis text with "The wage difference within the group is explained by ..." is good. The highest paid woman is then accommodated, for example, in the wording ".. employees with retained salary from previous employment".

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