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Steps of the Equal pay audit
Steps of the Equal pay audit

Read about the actual equal pay audit process from start to finish

Written by Tobias Danielsson
Updated over a week ago

To do a Equal pay audit in Sysarb, you first need to import your salary data to the system. Read more about how you do this here.

When your salary file is imported, we help you transfer the data to a salary survey and this is where the fun begins.

The following steps describe only the steps you need to work actively in the system. For this reason, the tabs overview, factor plan, results, valuation boxes and compilation are not described.

Step 1 - Grouping employees

In organizing - grouping you have the opportunity to move your employees between different types of equal jobs. In a equal job, several different positions can be included, as long as you have assessed that they are sufficiently similar to each other for them to be grouped together. It is important to keep in mind in this case that the work valuation that you will later do for the group should apply to all positions included in the job. The complexity of all positions within the group should therefore be in principle the same.

When we start a Equal pay audit, a work with the title employees will most likely be created to group, a jobgroup. The creation of this group is simply because we cannot be completely sure what jobs employees should be put into. These employees need to be linked to their respective groups of equal jobs before proceeding with the next step. Learn more about connecting employees.

Before you move on to the next tab, it may be wise to go through all the work to review which employees/positions are in each group. Once this is done, you will proceed to the work valuation tab. For more information about equal works, click here.

Step 2 - Work valuation

Click to get a description of what work valuation is. The work in this tab (organizing - work valuation) differs depending on whether there is already a work valuation loaded or if you intend to create a new work valuation. If a work valuation already exists, it may be wise to review it to ensure that it is still usable. The work valuation should be adjusted if, for example, you changed the requirement profile for some specific roles in your organization.

When you go through an existing work valuation, we recommend that you go through one factor at a time, but all the work. Sort by factor value and you will get a clear overview of which jobs have received the lowest and highest valuation in each factor. Click the factor value column heading, and then click sort ascending.

In order to be able to read you to what each factor and factor level means, you have the opportunity to get the factor plan at the right edge of the current window. In order to get it, simply click on the factor description button that can be found just above your valuation section. You can also choose to download the factor plan in its entirety if you prefer to view it on a separate screen. If so, go to the document tab and click the factor plan under the export from organize heading.

If you make a new work valuation, we also recommend that you work factor for factor, but preferably with all jobs. Then leave the sorting in alphabetical order on the work column heading instead (this is the default).

Whether you retake or just review a previous work valuation, we also want to strike a blow for you to use the column for note. In this field you can enter for your own memory if you have been unsure of a specific valuation. Enter, for example, "Maybe level 3" but still add the valuation you feel most comfortable with. When you then look at the results of your work valuation via the valuation boxes button, you will certainly see that some further adjustments may need to be made. Then your speaker notes are very helpful to quickly see where you can possibly adjust your work valuation.

When you are satisfied with the sprain in the valuation boxes, it is time to move on to analysis, equal work.

Step 3 - Analysis, equal work

In the analyze tab, equal work your task is to analyze the pay gap between employees within the same work. What the law says is that you should analyze the pay gap between women and men, but of course you are also welcome to analyze differences in groups that are a legal gender. If you do not intend to analyse the pay gap within the so-called single gender groups, you can choose to filter them out. See how, down below.

We do not recommend that our clients exclude small groups or groups with small gender pay gaps from the analysis because, for example, a former manager (a woman) with bible-held salary from previous service can compensate for another woman who is very low in salary. This example applies, of course, even if these were men. In analyzing equal jobs, we should therefore explain the pay gap, whether it concerns women or men. The plotter diagrams give you good support in which individuals you need to take a closer look at. Hover over the "dot" you want to know more about and you will get the employee's information.

In the analysis, we recommend that your analytical texts be formulated at a relatively general level i.e. that you do not write, for example, "Highest paid woman is explained by..". To start the analysis text with "The pay gap within the group is explained by..." is good. The highest paid woman is then included, for example, in the wording ".. employees while retaining salary from previous employment".

In order for you to be able to take out reports for each equal work at the end of the equal pay audit, it is important that you clarify the analysis before proceeding to the next work. This is because you will simply be able to select clear-marked works in the document tab. When you use clear function, the work will be moved from the header not ready to clear marked.

Step 4 Analysis, comperative work

The tab analyzing equal works analyses the gender pay gap between female-dominated and non-female-dominated works. In order for a job to be classified as female-dominated in the system, it should be at least 60 percent women. Other jobs are classified as non-female dominated.

In the list of women-dominated jobs, hopefully not all of the organization's female-dominated jobs will appear. Those who are not on the list are either at least valued or have a high salary in relation to their valuation/other comperative non-female dominated jobs.

The analysis you are about to make is about explaining how it is that a non-female-dominated work that is equally or less valued (i.e. judged as less or equally complex) has a higher salary than the specifically chosen female-dominated work.

Here we recommend that you describe the possible high wage situation for the respective non-female dominated work with the introduction "Salary situation for ... explained by...".

If the pay gap between a specific female-dominated job and one or more non-female-dominated jobs can be explained by, for example, a difference in experience, it is also possible to write, for example, "The pay gap between (female-dominated work) and all comparison work is explained by a difference in experience. The employees in the female-dominated work are considerably more junior than other employees in the comparison".

In the analysis of comperative works, it is also common to refer to the market. It is perfectly okay to refer to the market, but remember to describe how the market affects the salary of the group. Is it an alternative labour market or is it a question of a lack of a wise competence at the moment, which is therefore difficult to recruit?

In order for you to get a faster overview of what non-female dominated works are present in this part of the analysis and how often we recommend that you take support of the compilation report found in the document tab. More about how you can do this can be found here.

And then what?

Once the above steps have been completed, it remains for you to write a summarized report of the equal pay audit. to get a description of what should be included in the final report of your equal pay audit.


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