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Roles - Who can do what?

Roles, Permissions, Settings

Albin Bergqvist avatar
Written by Albin Bergqvist
Updated over a week ago

In this guide, we go through the different roles in the salary mapping module system and what distinguishes them. We also provide examples of when a certain role is better suited for a particular process.

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For Pay analysis

  • Administrator

  • Operational Administrator

  • HR Business partner

  • Read Only


An administrator is the role that has access to everything in the system. The role can manage salary files, initiate and conduct mappings, and administer conversations and salary reviews.

Regarding the salary mapping module, an administrator can carry out all steps, from start to finish. At start-up, an administrator can upload a salary file, initiate a salary mapping, select a factor plan, work evaluation, analyze, and document. An administrator can see all data in the system, such as personal identification numbers, salary, and organizational affiliation.

An administrator is the only one who can manage everything in the basic registry for start-up of all modules. For example, organization trees, conversation and performance templates, password distribution, and user management. The administrator is the one who can easily initiate and manage the entire salary review process and conversations that take place between managers and employees.

What an administrator can do:

  • Upload salary files and continue to keep the system up to date.

  • Manage all our modules.

  • Initiate and conduct salary mapping.

  • Can prepare the basis for conversations so that managers can easily and efficiently prepare, conduct, and document directly in the system with their employees.

  • Initiate, manage, and follow up on salary review for managers.

  • Initiate, manage, and follow up on performance assessment for managers.

Operational administrator

The operational administrator is a role that is very similar to the administrator role in terms of salary mapping. This role has access to changing, adding, and adjusting the same parts in the module. The difference is that the operational administrator can only do this based on the organizational affiliation it is assigned to. Additionally, this can also be limited to each mapping. The role is thus fixed to one or more mappings, which needs to be set up before start-up.
The operational administrator can thus carry out all steps in the mapping for their organization. The key figures in the overview are shown for the administrator's selection of employment data, and the same goes for employment, factor plan, work, and analysis. The role has the right to comment and write analysis texts in the analysis section, but cannot finalize the work.

What an operational administrator can do:

  • Can manage and conduct salary mapping in the system (Note, the specified mapping).

  • Can group, evaluate work, analyze, and document in the system.

  • Does not have access to other modules or general settings for the system.

HR Business Partner

The HR Business Partner role is for those who need to analyze the entire salary mapping. Therefore, they have access to both the organize and analyze tabs in the salary mapping.

This role has the right to group employees at work, but not to change employment data. HR Business Partners cannot evaluate work or make changes to the factor plan.

The main purpose of the HR Business Partner role is, of course, to analyze the salary mapping, both equal and comperative. As an HR Business Partner, you can therefore write comments and analysis texts for each work. In the role, you see employment data in the analysis.
This role works well in organizations where the person in charge of mapping needs the help of knowledgeable individuals in the organization for different areas or specific functions. The analyst role is suitable for those who need to supplement the analysis with people who have specific knowledge for a department/agency.

What can an HR Business Partner do:

  • Can analyze in salary mapping.

  • Can document analyses for both equal and comperative analysis.

  • Cannot change grouping, job evaluation, or factor plan.

  • Does not have access to other modules or general settings for the system.


The read-only is the role for those who only need to view or read the salary mapping.

This role has access to the salary mappings that have been approved and added by the administrator. It has access to an overview and key figures, as well as the analysis of salary mapping. This role cannot add, change, remove, or export anything in the salary mapping. The role does not have the ability to add comments or make adjustments in analysis, tags, or actions.

The role works well for trade unions or in reviews in management groups.

What can someone with read-only do:

  • Has access to job evaluation and analysis (equal+comperative).

  • Can read all analyses and all texts.

  • Has access to all diagrams in the analysis. The names of employees outside your authorization is anonymized.

  • Cannot change/write/delete in the system.

  • The role can be adapted to the organization, i.e., only see employees for a certain part of the organization.

For Pay Management

  • Administrator - the same as Pay analysis

  • Section Manager

  • Manager

  • Employee

  • Union representative

Section Manager

The section manager role is the role that can be used for those with overall responsibility for salary setting. It can be a CEO or a section manager who wants an overview of their managers' salary review for their employees. This role is often used by organizations that apply the so-called "grandfather principle," i.e., when the manager's manager approves salaries within a part or the entire organization.

The role cannot change the performance evaluation but has access to the salary review and can change or set a new salary.

What can a section manager do:

  • Can set/change salary for a part of the organization.

  • Gets an overview of their subordinate managers' salary review.

  • Has access to salary ceilings, performance results, and analysis diagrams (within salary setting).

  • Cannot evaluate the performance of employees but has access to the result.


What can a manager do:

  • Can evaluate the performance of their employees and has access to the result.

  • Can see their employees' evaluations (when both the manager and the employee have completed the performance evaluation).

  • Can set/change salary for their part of the organization.

  • Gets an overview of their group's salary review.

  • Has access to salary ceilings, performance results, and analysis diagrams (within salary setting).


What can an employee do:

  • Can evaluate their own performance

  • Can see their manager's evaluation of their performance (when both are completed)

    Union representative

    Union representative is intended for those who are only supposed to review and possibly comment on a salary revision.

    This role has access to the salary review only after being approved and added by the Administrator role. The role then has access to a certain part of the organization assigned by the administrator. This role cannot add, modify, or remove employees but has the opportunity to share their views on each employee.

    What can a trade union do:

    • Can not modify/write/delete in the system.

    • The role's visibility can be customized according to the organization, i.e., only see positions for a certain part of the organization.

    • If employees are affiliated with the trade union, the role sees the personal data of the affiliated employees.

    • Employees not affiliated with the trade union are anonymized - in this case, the role does not see personal data but primarily positions.

    • The role sees the total salary increase for employees affiliated with the corresponding labor organization.

    • The role can not modify/write/delete in the system.

    • The role can not see the manager's performance assessment.

    • The role can write comments on each employee.

    • The role can request a salary adjustment.

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