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Technical specification

GDPR, Data Security

Albin Bergqvist avatar
Written by Albin Bergqvist
Updated over a week ago

The software

  • The software currently uses the .NET Framework 4.7.2 & .NET 5, VUE.js 2.7 and NodeJS.

  • We use Microsoft SQL 2019 as a database engine.

  • We use a few components for e.g. PDF printing etc. We can produce exact names and version numbers if you wish.


  • Our servers are operated today at Glesys in Falkenberg (ISO27001). Their service meets industry standards for SLA, fire protection, etc.

  • The database and the product instance are separated on different servers.

  • Our micro services runs on our own Kubernetes cluster.

  • We use Windows Server 2019 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

  • Our internal network is built with separated layers.

  • All traffic passes through firewalls and reverse proxies.

  • IDS/IPS in place with daily updated signatures.


  • All passwords are hashed and salted in the database.

  • Some text fields in the product that are extra sensitive, e.g. texts in a call, are encrypted so that the texts cannot be deciphered when administering the databases.

  • All traffic that occurs between the user's device and the web server is encrypted with 256-bit encryption (TLS 1.3)

  • All internal Kubernetes communications are secured with mTLS using LinkerD as Service Mesh.

  • Databases are encrypted using TDE with AES256 keys.


  • Each unique personal identification numbers in our database consists of a long chain. This means that if an employee wants to "disappear" from the register, it is possible to track all entries in the database that are linked to the unique individual and delete them.

  • Each customer in our SaaS service has its own instance of Sysarb and database.


Every night a full backup is taken of the entire database. At other times of the day, we back up transaction logs every 30 minutes. The backups are stored in several different geographical locations.


At present, there is a logbook that applies generally to the entire instance. It does not log information that is exchanged in the database, but only events that occur. We guarantee that a current logbook is saved for 90 days backwards.


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